Get Shit Done is a platform dedicated to Getting Shit Done by learning from the stories and actions of world-class individuals and using the power the crowd to Get Sh*t Done. This successful event series (named one of the top 30 Events in London by The Dots) and podcast (previously known as This Way Up), ranked No.5 on iTunes, was created in 2017. Since then, we haven’t stopped Getting Shit Done.

Founded by Rebecca Rowntree, a Creative Director in advertising, the platform’s initial goal was to address the challenges women face in the creative industry. Over time, it has grown to cover a wide range of topics, from ‘women in film’ to ‘women entrepreneurs,’ featuring world-class leaders recounting their own Get Sh*t Done stories. During the events, empowered by these stories, the attendees collectively brainstorms to help each other tackle various issues. These quarterly London events have been a great success, attracting over 150 attendees.
The podcast enables listeners to dive into longer, more in-depth career stories from world-class individuals.
The Get Shit Done’s belief is that it through these valuable insights, that make our career journeys a little less hard and, ultimately, help us Get Sh*t Done.